Shamanic Healing
This is a branch of healing which draws on many of the naturally occurring energies in our universe and uses techniques from both ancient indigenous practices, as well as modern day energy skills to bring us into balance and harmony. The healing work can be done either face to face or distantly.
Shamanic journeying and visualization work are used to identify, clear and heal problems that can relate to any kind of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issue. This technique is particularly useful in identifying the original cause of a problem, either in the present, from the past in your current life, or even back into previous lifetimes.
Other techniques and tools that may be used to shift the client’s energy field (or aura) are; hands-on energy healing, drumming and the singing of songs of power, use of crystals and feathers to remove stagnant energy and blockages, the burning of dried herbs and plants, ceremony rituals for womb healing, the calling of spirit from the animal, plant, crystal, angelic and ancestor realms to help both during and after the healing.
This form of healing is an interactive process between the practitioner and client. It requires good communication and feedback before and during the session to assess what is needed. This is not a session which is simply received (unless you are receiving a Distance Healing). The client is an active part of the process just as the practitioner, who guides the client on a journey to heal and balance them-self, with a little help from Mother Nature and the realm of Spirit.
The main techniques that I work with in my Shamanic Healing practice are Shamanic Womb Healing, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Womb Reiki, Ancestral Healing and Past-life Healing. This type of energy work is particularly suitable for those committed to a path of deep personal healing and/or spiritual self-development.
Shamanic Womb Healing
Shamanic Womb Healing is focused on healing all aspects of our womanhood, including our physical wombs.
Our experiences of womanhood give rise to all sorts of negative emotions (known as Womb Trauma), and in our culture, we are not taught how to process and release these emotions properly.
In ancient times, we would have been taught ceremonial passage rites and rituals when we reached puberty, which would allow us to release any build-up of Womb Trauma on a monthly basis when we bleed. We would also have been taught how to use our ovulation as a way of harnessing our vast creative female power to create and manifest our dreams.
We are not taught this fundamental information about our own female gifts any more, and so, this Womb Trauma ends up getting stored in our Spirit Womb, which is essentially the female aspect of our energetic self. The consequences of Womb Trauma building up through our lifetime can result in all sorts of problems and issues that affect our health and well-being, such as; any chronic or acute physical ailments, problems with our sexual/reproductive organs, infertility, anxiety and depression, panic attacks, emotional and/or mental instability, chronic fatigue or low energy, low self-worth issues, eating disorders, relationship problems, extreme sexual inhibitions/promiscuity, lack of creativity, lust for life, meaning or purpose, inexplicable feelings of isolation, alienation, fear, anger, hatred, or sadness.
In Shamanic Womb Healing we can use a variety of Shamanic healing techniques to remove this Womb Trauma. Once we have cleared the Womb Trauma around a particular issue or experience, we then look to see if there is any soul loss around this situation, and if so, work to restore any lost soul energy, through the process of Soul Retrieval. Once the Soul energy is restored, we do a Goddess Power Retrieval, to restore the power that we have lost, or that has been taken from us. During a Shamanic Womb Healing, a woman will always experience a combination of Reiki, Ancestor Healing, Soul Retrieval, Goddess Power Retrieval, and sometimes other techniques, depending on what comes up personally for her during the session.