Health and Wellness Interactive Program
Spirituality is a journey of self-discovery. How we arrive at a personal understanding of the ancient quest for truth is different for each of us.
All coaching sessions and workshops are web based and are designed to be tailor made to each client. This process is accomplished through each client completing a Lifestyle Analysis that tailors the program to address the clients unique concerns.

"The human body is surrounded by and emits various kinds of energy: electrical, magnetic, light, and subtle. Health and disease appear to be related to the flow or lack of flow of our energetic systems. Modern quantum physics provides the framework for energy medicine" Techniques in Orthopaedics: March 2003 - Volume 18 - Issue 1 - p 46-53
The AOScan is a cutting edge, non-invasive bio-resonance device. While traditional medicine is greater today than it has ever been in human history, sometimes even highly skilled medical doctors have difficulty pinpointing and treating certain ailments. That's where the AO Total Body Scanner comes in.


Digital Body Analyzer
The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is a combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia, and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorized everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency. Biophysicists in Germany and Russia pioneered the work of identifying specific frequencies in the human body and compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person.
Medical researchers in Germany believe that the health of an organ, tissue, system or cell structure within the body can be identified by passing micro current frequencies
through the body and measuring the current’s resistance.